Sunday, January 2, 2011

Do whatever you want to be good at

A wise person once told me...

"Do whatever you want to be good at. This is doubly true if you're bad at it now."

True for everything from handstands to eating right to maintaining relationships.
Just do it! Practice makes perfect.
Whenever I have an idea about something I'd like to do, I tend to research and analyze and discuss and research some more. It's good to be informed, but the best thing would be do TRY TO DO IT. And when I fail, TRY AGAIN.
Do you want to be good at handstands? Go hold one against the wall, now. Want to be good at eating right? Plan your menu for tomorrow, and stick to it. Want to be in a loving relationship? Show your partner some love, now. And do everything again tomorrow.
I have trouble with this because, well, if I'm bad at something, that thing is usually hard for me. And I'm lazy. I don't want to do hard things. But they get easier as you do them; it's never as hard as the first time.

I was thinking about this because I'm really nitpicky about waiting till 5pm exactly to eat. It's a small and arbitrary thing, but sticking to it gives me a real satisfaction. It might not be worth anything in the real world, but gosh darn it, I'm good at it! And I'll keep doing it. :)

1 comment:

  1. So True! And if you go and try a handstand for the first time and are not perfect at it, then try again!

    Love the comment about if you want to be in a loving relationship show some love now, SO true! You will get what you give for anything, fasting, relationships, give, work hard and it will pay off!

    Good for you for being strict about a time. I find that really helps for me too! Keep up the good work!
