Saturday, June 19, 2010


I've been absurdly emotional over the last week. I had a smallish crisis the beginning of the week and I'm under some stress (who isn't?) and I've actually burst into tears at awkward moments. I haven't had any desire to indulge in "emotional eating" but as soon as I break my fast in the afternoon the clouds clear and I feel much better. Anyone had the same thing happen?
Is it an emotional detox type thing or just a sign that I should break my fast earlier?
Thanks for any responses.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't experience that myself. BUT, I do occasionally notice some irritability.

    Maybe if you write down your weight somewhere, just put a little comment next to it each time about your mood and see if you notice a pattern there at all. If you feel comfortable with a flexible fasting window then maybe try a different time for half the week and see if you notice the mood pattern changing.

    Get lots of sleep too, that always helps.
