Thursday, June 24, 2010


I know we're supposed to ignore minor ups and downs on the scale, but I'm depressed to have gained three pounds in the last week. I've kept to my window but was eating at restaurants. And some weight gain might be hormonal. I'm feeling overall a little thinner. But seriously... this sucks. I'm losing soooo sloooooowly. I keep reading blogs and forum postings by people who lose 15 or 25 lbs in the first month. Perhaps they're more overweight to begin with, so it's a smaller percentage of their total fat? I'm happy for their success -- I just wish I could share it!


  1. If you are bigger to start with then yes, you will see a bigger loss at the beginning. I was 80Lbs overweight when I began and was eating such large amounts of food that the change when I began Fast-5 was quite drastic for my body and the weight seemed to fall off.

    However, if you are smaller and the change in quantity of food is not as drastic (for example, you are already eating small meals and so losing one or two of them is not much more of a difference calorie wise) then you will see slower results.

    Try not to focus so much on the number on the scale but on how you feel and look instead. That is really the ultimate goal anyway to look and feel good. Non-scale victories are just as important.

    Weight gain of 3Lbs in one week is quite suspicious if you are not straying from the program, so wait it out and see where you are in another week. It could be as simple as water weight from excess salt in the restaurant food (there is so much salt in that food we have no idea!) And excess salt will cause you to hold water.

    Drink LOTS of water over the next couple of days and that could help. I had a week where I gained 3 Lbs in a couple of days and I had been eating out lots and having really salty food. I did an all day fast (30-40 hours) and drank TONS of water throughout. The next day, the scale showed a 4Lb loss putting me right back to that 178 number that the scale seems to love lately.

    No worries, keep the faith!

  2. Hi Jenna,
    Thanks for the comment. I started in a different position -- about 30 pounds over weight, now down to 20 pounds overweight. Can't wait to get it off me!
    I'll take your good advice and just eat lightly and drink water.
