Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What to eat?

Traveling again. Work, interesting but draining. Looking forward to being home for at least a few days the end of the month.
I feel like I'm running out of things to eat.
That's partly because of travel, of course. It's hard to prepare creative meals in a hotel room when there may not be a decent grocery store for miles. Snacks are now nuts or fresh fruit. Lots of apples. I'm not trying to limit eggs or dairy or dried fruit -- they just seem gross to me now. Is this what they mean when they say that cravings are reduced? It's a strange feeling.
In terms of Fast-5, I always wait until 5 to open the window; I have trouble with ending it. It has stretched to 6 or 6 1/2 hours quite a few times. I'm trying to be stricter about that. Last week I ate very lightly for several days in a row and I was worried that I wasn't eating enough... but as anybody who's done this must know, my body was fine, the only problem was my own expectations about eating.
Weight is hovering in the same spot as for the last 6 weeks. Glaring at the scale doesn't seem to do any good.

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