Friday, February 25, 2011

Back on the path

After realizing that I'd back-slid (is that a word?) and gained back about 5 lbs, I got back into this and started controlling my portions better. A week of reasonable eating and I'm back just under 155 lbs. The constant discipline must be good for my immortal soul, as my mother would say, but it's more than a bit challenging. Every single day, finding the motivation to put away the snacks is hard. Relaxing those rules, as I did for weeks, was "easier" mentally but made me unhappy and I felt bad physically. So the effort really is worth the reward.
I read a study claiming that a 4-year old's ability to delay gratification is an excellent predictor of future educational, professional and social success. I need to learn some things from those kids! :)


  1. ME TOO! When I was a kid and I would get a chocolate bar, I would eat the entire thing as fast as I could. My sister would eat a bit and put it away.

    An hour later she would pull out her left over chocolate and I would start to cry. I wish I would have learned from that lesson!

  2. Jenna, I think we're long-lost twins...
